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work permit holder中文是什么意思

用"work permit holder"造句"work permit holder"怎么读"work permit holder" in a sentence


  • 不需要工作许可的雇佣者


  • Work permit holder - to work full - time in the
  • Work permit holder and their dependants - to work full - time in the uk
    工作许可证持有人(及其亲属) -在英国全职工作。
  • Work permit holders and their dependants do attract a right of appeal
  • You can get more information about work permits in our work permit holders ( inf 13 ) guidance note
    你能有更多信息大约工作许可证在我们的工作许可证持有者(信息13 )指导内指出。
  • Full staff list in the company , including name , position , indicating which posts are filled by work permit holders
  • I hereby declare my objection towards the new immigration rules on indefinite leave to remain ( ilr ) which changes the length of time required to obtain ilr for uk work permit holders from 4 years to 5 years
  • Legislator eric li ka - cheung who represents the accounting profession suggested the introduction of a new type of tax levied on work permit holders . in accordance with their income , monthly payments ranging from $ 100 to $ 1000 would be levied on work permit holders employed in hong kong , including filipino domestic workers
  • Instead of targeting the hong kong citizens , it may be more sensible to consider levying a tax on work permit holders employed in hong kong . such a tax system is not uncommon in countries like singapore , malaysia , and the united kingdom . currently we have approximately 0 . 21 million filipino domestic workers working in hong kong , each earning a monthly salary of $ 3 , 800
用"work permit holder"造句  
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